Tank Splatter 2 Your mission: Kill everything that moves. If you have any problems or any other suggestions, e-mail KJA Skater. This game is FREEWARE ©1995 by Kelby Adams and Brett Crain. All rights reserved. I hope you like the game. What's new since last time: * Improved graphics * Better animation * More blood and brains * Augmented size (and other things) for smoother animation * Action window veneered Troubleshooting Techniques: * If the program crashes due to an error of type 1 (a bus error - that's either size error or program error) (or any other error), e-mail me at KJA Skater@AOL.com and tell me what kind of computer you have and what system you're running, etc. and exactly which error(s) are giving you a hard time. * If the game runs slowly, Get info from the file menu and raise the Preferred Size to 800K or 1000K * If the controls don't work, try hitting the caps lock key and try again.